After leaders in the International Finance and Energy industries declared during their meeting at the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW) that it was the high time major institutional investors like banks and sovereign wealth and pension funds to invest in the emerging energy sector, Mario Delecce made a presentation on secure financial investment in developing countries and he mainly focused on the wind sector. Similarly the leaders highlighted on the responsibility of private capital to encourage innovative ideas in low-carbon, sustainable and climate friendly energy technology. It thus happens that wind as a source of energy perfectly fitted in this class. It is an environment friendly and renewable source of energy since no carbon is burned for it to produce energy, rather you only require turbines that will convert the wind energy to electricity. It is through secure financial investment on power sources such as wind that we will see a remarkable expansion in the market, more chances of investors to grow their capital and also a chance to transform the world in the coming years.
Mario, the MD Polaris energy, specializes in energy finance and involves weight markets ranges from solar, ocean to wind sources of energy. In present days, the investment purposes express the demand of more energy thus the need to look at more reliable sources like wind. Other than most high cost projects, wind remains one of the cheapest energy to produce. One is recommended to make a secure financial investment in renewable energy sources like wind since it is a constant and reliable source. However, wind might go down or up sometimes but the fact remains it will never get depleted. Take a look at the fossil fuels; they are on the verge of being depleted since they are non-renewable; for the wind on the other hand it will always be there no matter what.
It is also secure investing in wind since there is a low chance of technological failures. Turbines are reliable since they are not prone to malware and other technological calamities prone to hit machines and software related technology. Once a turbine is installed, then barring exceptional circumstances like human damage, you can be certain they will run right away and will keep on running without anyone manning them. Some have lasted even for as long as 20 years without stopping.
Most communities view this as a positive thing. Building a wind mill or assisting a community build one is widely acceptable in many communities. This is because they are sure to benefit from the low cost energy as well as have a clean environment
The best thing about investing in wind energy is that it is an infinite source of power. Unlike fossil fuels whose price is volatile and always moving on an upward scale, wind energy will constantly remain around the same price thus leading to reduced power bills. You can be ascertained that it will always be there and no time will it run out.
Investing in wind energy also leads to a non-polluted environment. This is because there are no noxious by products or potential threats of massive destruction.
It is also secure investing in wind since there is a low chance of technological failures. Turbines are reliable since they are not prone to malware and other technological calamities prone to hit machines and software related technology. Once a turbine is installed, then barring exceptional circumstances like human damage, you can be certain they will run right away and will keep on running without anyone manning them. Some have lasted even for as long as 20 years without stopping.
Most communities view this as a positive thing. Building a wind mill or assisting a community build one is widely acceptable in many communities. This is because they are sure to benefit from the low cost energy as well as have a clean environment
The best thing about investing in wind energy is that it is an infinite source of power. Unlike fossil fuels whose price is volatile and always moving on an upward scale, wind energy will constantly remain around the same price thus leading to reduced power bills. You can be ascertained that it will always be there and no time will it run out.
Investing in wind energy also leads to a non-polluted environment. This is because there are no noxious by products or potential threats of massive destruction.